Month: March 2012

New toy

As i wrote a while ago ive been waiting on a new bag for my troll. The day came when it finally arrived. All i can say it was definately worth the wait. So much so that now i have put in another order to scott at porcelain rocket. If you need a bag, want it individual with your specs and his skills and imagination you can have any addition that your mind can think off. Check out his site at

 I ve gained inspiration on trying a more lightweight off road set up by following an awesome blog by cass gilbert check that out on

Well back to the bag. There custom made it fits like a glove. Contains 3 compartments. The top has dividers velcro and a small toll bag. The front is flared to gain a bit of extra room. There is a full slim pocket down one side (where i like to keep my sarnies), a top compartment where at the moment i keep waterproofs and punture and tool stuff. The a lower pocket for anything else i need. I tried this bag fully loaded at cannock chase bike park this weekend. Brilliant. Every one has moved to camelbacks but a bottle on a king cage bracket and the frame bag is definately the way forward. Lower weight and that breeze through your shirt.

Dont take my word for it check out the sites and see for yourselves.
