Month: December 2014

Shimano CT70 SPD Shoe

I have had these shoes for around six months now. I must admit they have been relegated recently as the winter boots have been bought back out. I managed to get out an a week long tour with them and plenty of commuting. So far they have stood up well but I cant really give an answer on their quality until next year. What they are is good fitting, Light weight and reasonably waterproof. All of these thoughts are based on my old pair of Northwave rocker shoes. Though these shoes lasted for six years they had a few pitfalls which the CT70 seems to manage fine.

The shoe is really comfy. I have worn them instead of my standard shoes all day at work and they are as nice as my trainers. The recess is quite big so it doesn’t sound like I am walking round in tap shoes. They flex well. Grip well on all surfaces and more importantly look really good. Their weight seems low as well so you don’t notice the difference between these and normal shoes. An added bonus is also that when I was on tour I could walk in wet grass and not get my socks socked. So they are reasonably watertight. Obviously they cant make it through a downpour. I would have to throw on some carrier bags or overshoes for that.

The one negative that I can come up with is that the cleats seem to mount really far back behind the ball of my foot. As a touring shoe this is probably a good thing but I like my cleats a little further forward.

But overall I would definitely recommend these shoes

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